Most smartphone cameras are capable of 3D scanning, though we have yet to see an actually useful application of this technology. Capturing the topography of the complicated intramammary folds is the perfect use case. Our scanning process is a trade secret, so once you place your order, a member of our team will reach out to talk you through your scan. This digital rendering of your body, precise to the millimeter, is the starting point for our design process.
Generative design is a branch of computational architecture that attempts to imitate the natural growth patterns that are hard-coded into the cells of every living organism. Our AI sifts through different generative design paradigms and selects the best for your shape; like a vine winding its way up a tree, your bra shapes itself around your body.

Our software pipeline leverages the same algorithms used to optimize building construction for different materials, projected load densities, and other structural variables. Machine learning transforms the raw numerical data from your 3D scan into a perfect bra that distributes the weight of your breasts evenly and comfortably onto your shoulders and décolletage.

Finally, your bra is 3D printed in our patent-pending structural fabric and mailed to you. Get ready to get comfortable :)